Monday, June 7, 2010

See JANE Run!

Where did you think I got the idea for the name of my blog??!! ;-)
On Saturday 6/5/10, me and 3 of my best friends ran in a 5K in Alameda. The event is called "See Jane Run" and it's a virtually all women's event (all though there were a few men running in it, presumably with their wives or girlfriends) I found out about it online a few months ago, and was intrigued by the fact that the tag line of the event was "I run for Champagne and Chocolate"!! Who DOESN'T love those two things?! So, my good friends Johanna, Elizabeth and Katie Boyington all signed up for the event with me (Katie is actually my friend who did the Nike Marathon last year with TNT and is doing it again this year!) We carpooled over to the event EARLY on Saturday morning....All decked out in our best running gear ;-)
The atmosphere was very light and fun, and everyone was super friendly. At exactly 8:30am, the gun went off for the 5K portion of the event (the half marathon started 30 minutes before our race) It was a gorgeous course, that ran along the water. The sun started peaking around the clouds just as we turned the corner of the first half mile. Even though the race was 2 days after my first 6 mile run, I actually felt surprisingly loose and really good running! I ran with Katie (the experienced marathoner!) and she totally pushed me to a personal best! We finished 3.2 miles in 35 mins 51 seconds...shaving almost 4 minutes off my PR! At the end of the race, we rec'd little medals (mine is already hanging up in my room!) and we pleasantly surprised to get gorgeous REAL champagne glasses (we joked before the race that they were probably going to serve the champagne in little dixie cups! ha!!) and pieces of yummy dark chocolate!!! We also got super cute T-shirts, and free Jamba Juice! ;-)
It was a really fun race, and gave me a little taste of the GIRL POWER I am sure to experience later this Fall at the Nike Women's Event!!! (We had so much fun, we are already looking for more 5K's to do together this summer!)
Health and Happiness,
PS. Here are some pics from the SEE JANE RUN 5K!

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