Wednesday, June 9, 2010

8 inches in 18 weeks...

SO, my newest 'goal' is to not only run (or jog, doing what I call the 'marathon shuffle') the entire 26.2 miles, but the morning after the run is over, I want to cut my hair, and donate it to "Beautiful Lengths"...a partnership between Pantene and a wig maker, that takes donated hair and makes wigs for women and children with cancer. In my life I have had many family members and friends who have battled cancer...along the way, they purchased wigs to wear, making them feel better about themselves, and I can only guess, probably helping to remember what life before cancer was like...Donating my hair is only a *small* way I can give back :-)

The ironic part is that in order to donate your hair, your hair needs to be as healthy as possible. IE: no bleaching, dying etc. The last time my hair was 'naked' without bleach or dye was when I was about 13 years old!!!! I guess this summer is going to be about challenges all around--training for a marathon AND refraining from giving in and going to see my hair dresser, when my roots start to show!!! Thank goodness I've got a bunch of Nike running hats to keep my 'in transition' tresses covered up ;-)

I'll need to have at least 8 inches to donate...I've got about 18 weeks or so to make sure I get to that length...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A love/hate relationship with Tuesday nights...

I woke up this morning kind of groaning to myself, and thinking---oh geez. It's TUESDAYYYYYY. Which of course means, another good butt kicking at the Stanford track...I am not gonna lie, this evening when it was time to make my little peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner (I usually eat one before track and then *scarf!* one down in the car on the way home from track) I was NOT feeling it. I was tired and had a long day with the kiddos, but knew if that putting the shoes on was half the battle, and if I could just get dressed, drive the 2.5 miles out to the track; I would feel so much better when I got there...Low and behold...It worked! There is just something about the energy you feel when you are with Team in Training people...The coaches, the mentors, the honorees...Everyone is very outgoing, friendly and uber supportive. We spent some time doing the same types of core workouts...situps, pushups, planks, back bridges, jumping jacks, lunges, etc. Then we sprinkled in a few "pick up" laps around the track...Which basically means you sprint (or close to it) the straight aways, and jog the corners...Which I was told tonight is not only good to help you become faster on the longer runs, but is also a good way to jump start weight loss---woohoo! I KNEW there was a reason I liked Tuesday nights!!!...................oh wait, now I *like* Tuesdays???....Actually, it's pretty funny that track nights are going to be on Tuesdays the entire summer...Tuesday nights and I have had a pretty good relationship since January, when my sorority sister and friend, Stephanie Anderson was a contestant on The Biggest Loser. I started watching her show, which airs on Tuesday nights and said to myself, if SHE can do it (start working out and changing her life for the better!) WHY can't I? So, Shawn and I joined the YMCA in early January, and that's when this whole "Maybe someday I will run a marathon" notion snuck into my head ;-)

Here is a picture of Me and Jennifer--She is one of our honorees, which means she is a cancer survivor! She was diagnosed last year as an 18 year college freshman...She was treated at Stanford Children's Hospital, and is now in remission! She is actually training with us for the Kauai Half Marathon! She is AWESOME! ♥

Monday, June 7, 2010

More "See Jane Run" pics!

PS. I forgot to mention that "See Jane Run" is actually a National women's clothing/running store...the race this past weekend was held to benefit local girls' after-school/self esteem programs...who doesn't like running for a good cause?! :-)

See JANE Run!

Where did you think I got the idea for the name of my blog??!! ;-)
On Saturday 6/5/10, me and 3 of my best friends ran in a 5K in Alameda. The event is called "See Jane Run" and it's a virtually all women's event (all though there were a few men running in it, presumably with their wives or girlfriends) I found out about it online a few months ago, and was intrigued by the fact that the tag line of the event was "I run for Champagne and Chocolate"!! Who DOESN'T love those two things?! So, my good friends Johanna, Elizabeth and Katie Boyington all signed up for the event with me (Katie is actually my friend who did the Nike Marathon last year with TNT and is doing it again this year!) We carpooled over to the event EARLY on Saturday morning....All decked out in our best running gear ;-)
The atmosphere was very light and fun, and everyone was super friendly. At exactly 8:30am, the gun went off for the 5K portion of the event (the half marathon started 30 minutes before our race) It was a gorgeous course, that ran along the water. The sun started peaking around the clouds just as we turned the corner of the first half mile. Even though the race was 2 days after my first 6 mile run, I actually felt surprisingly loose and really good running! I ran with Katie (the experienced marathoner!) and she totally pushed me to a personal best! We finished 3.2 miles in 35 mins 51 seconds...shaving almost 4 minutes off my PR! At the end of the race, we rec'd little medals (mine is already hanging up in my room!) and we pleasantly surprised to get gorgeous REAL champagne glasses (we joked before the race that they were probably going to serve the champagne in little dixie cups! ha!!) and pieces of yummy dark chocolate!!! We also got super cute T-shirts, and free Jamba Juice! ;-)
It was a really fun race, and gave me a little taste of the GIRL POWER I am sure to experience later this Fall at the Nike Women's Event!!! (We had so much fun, we are already looking for more 5K's to do together this summer!)
Health and Happiness,
PS. Here are some pics from the SEE JANE RUN 5K!


I still can't believe it. I am so proud of myself. Last Thursday I went out for a run by myself around the neighborhood...I was originally was going to do 4 miles, but felt so good, I just kept going! I had on my new 'hydration belt' and kept drinking water while I was running, so that could have had something to do with it. :-)
Anyways, I got 3 miles away from home, and instead of turning and going the shorter way back, I ran my exact same route, thus doubling the mileage and making it a 6 mile run!!! I ran (jogged!...and slowly I might add!) the entire thing---no walking!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Six Pack Summer!

.....Ok. So maybe I'm not gonna have a SIX pack set of abs any time soon, but I *am* getting my core into shape! Tuesday night at Stanford was a good butt (or stomach!) kicking as the case may be ;-) We did almost 2 hours of 'ground' work---pushups, situps, crunches, lunges, and then for dessert, we did some sprinting!!! It was actually really fun! Everyone I have met (coaches, mentors, fellow participants) through TNT has been so outgoing and friendly--I am really enjoying it. At the end of the night, one of the girls who has been working out for us (and is currently training for a half marathon in Kauai!) gave a little presentation about her cancer story. Her name is Jennifer and she is currently 19 years old. She was diagnosed as an 18 year old college freshman with Hodgkins her case, it was extremely curable and she has been in recovery for the past 6 months! She is just one of the many reasons I am 'racing for a cure' :-)