Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Team Run!

Saturday was our first big "team run" in Mtn View. We met at 8am, and although it is the end of May, it was COLD!!!! (Which I am told I will be wishing for, come August, when we are going for a quick 20 mile run!) Anyways, we met with the coaches (who are all totally awesome by the way!) and they led the entire group (about 70 of us!) through stretches and warm-ups. We were then given the choice of running (jogging, as I like to put it!) 2,4 or 6 miles...I decided to be right in the middle, and jogged 4 miles! It was a nice run, and it did warm up about half way through. I met another girl who was about my speed, and we ran together and chit-chatted the entire run, which is good, considering wearing an Ipod or headphones at all is a big No-No with TNT...I am still not sure how I will get through an entire MARATHON without listening to music, but the coaches promise if we give it a chance, we may actually learn to *enjoy* running, without the distraction of music....only time will tell I guess! :-)

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